For over 70 years and counting Family Cooperative Preschool has provided loving and child-centered programs for our community.
In 2002, Family Cooperative Preschool was faced with the choice of purchasing the schoolhouse building and the surrounding two-acre parcel, or relocating. Our Board of Directors unanimously voted to buy the property, thus ensuring that the school's emphasis on the outdoors can continue for generations to come. The Board has also committed to meet our on-going ownership obligations through fundraising instead of tuition increases. Family Cooperative Preschool welcomes any donation to help support our school.
CASH RAFFLE!!! Please join us!!!
You can learn more and buy tickets here!!!
Fundraising Events
Every year the parents and teachers of the Family Cooperative Preschool organize a series of fundraising events. The funds raised are used for a variety of purposes, such as financial aid, improvement of our building and grounds, and operational obligations. In addition, these events build a sense of community among the families at the school, both present and past.
Funds are raised in a variety of ways, including informal and organized social events, and direct donations. We also sell personalized bricks for the commemorative pathway that children follow each day as they arrive for school and are greeted by our loving teachers.
Here is a partial list of fundraising events for the 2024-2025 school year.
( Events are subject to change )
Wishlist: Did you know that the Teachers have a Wishlist on Amazon? They don't ask for supplies (excluding the pumpkin request In the fall...) but they do have a wishlist for them! You can check it out here!
Restaurant Night pairing up with one of the hottest restaurants in town! Make sure you follow our social media for details! Facebook, & Instagram have all our updates!
Annual Auction
An ongoing fundraiser for our school is the sale of BRICKS which are installed in our entrance walkway. Brick orders received by the end of each school year are installed during the summer. Click here for the order form.