

The Family Cooperative Preschool curriculum offers a range of developmentally appropriate choices that meet the needs and interests of each child. It is specially geared towards fully utilizing the school's surroundings. Traditional indoor activities are frequently relocated to the outdoors, enabling the children to play and learn in the fresh air for a significant amount of time on most days.

Our school is committed to providing a safe, healthy and supportive environment for all students.  We are particularly sensitive to food and environmental allergies as well as other health concerns.

Family Cooperative Preschool Photo Album 


Arrival and Cubbies

Indoor Choices for Play and Exploration

Morning Meeting (introduce breath with movement... share activity opportunities for the day...     sing song)

Indoor and Outdoor Choices for Play and Exploration (throughout the day)

Snack Time at the "Co-op Cafe" -  open throughout the day/book readings

Groups Time ...  Small Groups Meet for Different Activities                                   (conversations/introductions to new items/songs/exploration beyond the school yard/story walks/hikes/gatherings for community members/puppet shows/book readings/etc.)

Lunch Time at the "Co-op Cafe" - open throughout the day/book readings

Indoor and Outdoor Choices for Play and Exploration (throughout the day)

Cubbies and Departure


Family Cooperative Preschool offers a curriculum of developmentally appropriate activities. 

The following materials are available to explore at different times:

The different tools and materials present the children with a variety of media to experiment with and to exercise their fine motor skills. Children are encouraged to use their imagination to explore and investigate in different areas. They are given ample opportunities to interact with their peers and adults. They also learn to cooperate and take turns in these settings.

Children are exposed to math and science concepts throughout the day as they engage in various activities. Math language and vocabulary are an integral part of the indoor and outdoor experiences. In addition, many facets of the school's environment are designed to build a foundation for learning to read and write.

Children spend a significant amount of time playing and learning outdoors. We spend the entire day outside when the weather permits. Children exercise their gross motor muscles in a variety of ways, such as: gardening; doing construction projects in and around the sand box; running through the school yard and playing games; climbing the triangle house and the wooden train; pulling sleds through the snow in the school yard and up the hills; and, using the swings and the slide. Some indoor activities are frequently relocated outside. Utensils and materials for projects are made available at the picnic tables for exploration. Science materials are also used outside to make direct connections with nature and the surrounding environment.